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How An Increase of Fiber in Your Diet Helps Prevent Hemorrhoids

What is the connection between fiber and hemorrhoids? Well, most people with chronic constipation experience having hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Generally speaking, people develop two types of hemorrhoids both associated with constipation: internal hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids. For these two types of hemorrhoids, the most common cause is intense and extreme straining 
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Hemorrhoids Are Google’s Most Searched Health Keyword

What’s the number one search trend in the medical world? If you guessed hemorrhoids, you’d be correct. As absurd as it may sound, hemorrhoids are in fact the leading search term for 2012. At Google’s annual roundup of popular search terms, hemorrhoids were the top trending health issue in the United States for 2012. GERD 
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Finding Relief From Your Hemorrhoids During Pregnancy

Unbeknownst to most women, getting hemorrhoids during pregnancy is a pretty common phenomenon, and they can also rear their ugly head during the post-partum period. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels in the rectal area that have enlarged. They typically range from the size of a raisin to the size of a grape. They can be itchy, 
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Risks of Hemorrhoids: What Are They?

Seventy-five percent of people will develop hemorrhoids at some point in their lifetime—and suffer the accompanying pain, embarrassment and inconvenience. Although it’s true that hemorrhoids can affect anyone, certain people bear an increased risk of developing the condition. Lifestyle and diet play a significant role in the development of hemorrhoids. By making changes to the 
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Beyond Home Remedies: When to Seek Medical Treatment for Hemorrhoids

Grandma’s remedies may be great for alleviating your nausea or helping you get over the common cold. But are home treatments effective for relieving hemorrhoids? Studies show that taking oral pain relievers, indulging in warm baths and applying topical treatments to the affected area are all useful for treating mild cases of hemorrhoids. However, severe 
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The information available on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to replace a medical consultation where a physician’s judgment
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    DISCLAIMER: Content on this website is not intended to serve as medical advice and should not be construed as such. Please see a medical professional in order to obtain specific advice for your medical conditions.

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