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Methods of Hemorrhoid Removal

Hemorrhoids often lead to itching, burning and pain, which limits activities and decreases the quality of life of those who suffer from them. Luckily, though, most people can manage their symptoms and reduce their hemorrhoids through lifestyle changes that include eating a proper diet and not straining during bowel movements. Of course, there are some 
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5 Reasons You Need A Hemorrhoidectomy

What is it about hemorrhoids that prevents us from seeking a doctor’s help if there’s a problem? It’s probably our discomfort discussing topics related to bowel movements that stops us. However, embarrassment mustn’t let you delay making an appointment with a qualified colorectal surgeon if you have persistent bleeding and itching from an external or 
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How Should I Manage Inflamed Hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are rarely talked about, but they are surprisingly common. In fact, as many as one in every 25 Americans may be suffering from hemorrhoids symptoms.  Because they often lead to intense discomfort, including burning pain and itching, hemorrhoids can greatly affect your quality of life if not managed effectively. Do I Have Hemorrhoids? The 
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Do I Need A Hemorrhoidectomy?

Between 80 and 90 percent of people with hemorrhoids find relief with non-invasive treatments. Changes in diet, paired with topical medications or other doctor recommended treatments are effective for most patients. For those who do not respond to this first line treatment, sometimes other options must be explored. While a surgical hemorrhoidectomy is often an 
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What Can I Expect After Hemorrhoid Surgery?

Most cases of hemorrhoids can be managed through the proper diet, easing bowel movements and treating symptoms with over-the-counter ointments. Some cases, though, cause more severe symptoms and must be dealt with in a more invasive manner. There are a number of different procedures that are used to manage hemorrhoids. Some can be done in 
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How Are Bleeding Hemorrhoids Treated?

Before considering treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids, first have a GI (gastrointestinal) or colorectal specialist confirm a hemorrhoid diagnosis. You want to make sure the bleeding is not caused by another medical condition such as colon polyps, colitis, or even colorectal cancer. Once the disorder is confirmed as bleeding hemorrhoids, a treatment plan from a Los 
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The 5 Signs You Are Suffering from Hemorrhoids

Countless people suffer from hemorrhoids every year, causing pain and discomfort that disrupts everyday life in both personal and professional capacities. While today’s many advanced treatments are frequently able to eliminate both the causes and results of hemorrhoids, there are many people who still live with the condition. Given the hectic nature of daily life, 
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10 Tips for Recovering After Hemorrhoid Banding

If you’re suffering from internal hemorrhoids, rubber band ligation is a treatment option available. Rubber band ligation of internal hemorrhoids places a surgical-grade band around the neck of the hemorrhoid. In effect, it chokes the blood supply of the hemorrhoid, resulting in the hemorrhoid disappearing in a week or 2. In general, band ligation is 
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What Everyday Activities are Causing Your Hemorrhoids?

Countless people across the nation suffer from hemorrhoids. While the treatment options for this painful condition are known to many, far fewer people understand the causes of hemorrhoids. In addition, many people don’t realize that they’re exposing themselves to the causes of hemorrhoids every day. Whether you are currently suffering from hemorrhoids or are looking 
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What Everyday Activities are Causing Your Hemorrhoids?

Countless people across the nation suffer from hemorrhoids. While the treatment options for this painful condition are known to many, far fewer people understand the causes of hemorrhoids. In addition, many people don’t realize that they’re exposing themselves to the causes of hemorrhoids every day. Whether you are currently suffering from hemorrhoids or are looking 
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The information available on this web site is provided for informational purposes only. This information is not intended to replace a medical consultation where a physician’s judgment
may advise you about specific disorders, conditions, and/or treatment options. We hope the information will be useful for you to become more educated about your health care decisions. Always seek the
advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

Copyright © 2025. Hemorrhoid Surgery Center of Excellence © 2013. La Peer Surgery CenterAll Rights Reserved. | Design & Development by Goldman Marketing Group

    DISCLAIMER: Content on this website is not intended to serve as medical advice and should not be construed as such. Please see a medical professional in order to obtain specific advice for your medical conditions.

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