Pregnancy changes your body in more ways than you might think. During and after pregnancy women are more prone to hemorrhoids due to an increase in the hormone progesterone and the pushing process involved in labor. The most conservative hemorrhoid treatment is normally prescribed for hemorrhoids occurring during pregnancy and soon after childbirth, given the complexity of physical changes a woman’s body endures during pregnancy. Often, fiber supplements, over-the-counter ointments and cold packs are sufficient to treat hemorrhoids after pregnancy.

Sometimes, however, a more intensive hemorrhoid treatment is necessary to achieve relief from hemorrhoids after childbirth. The method of delivery – vaginal versus C-section – and the recommendation of your doctor will determine how soon you can undergo treatment for severe hemorrhoids.

If you have any questions about pregnancy and hemorrhoids, our experienced colorectal surgeons at the Hemorrhoid Center of Excellence can help.  Find out more about hemorrhoid treatment in Los Angeles by calling (888) 742-2032

Hemorrhoids and Pregnancy: Vaginal Childbirth vs. C-section?

Delivery via vaginal childbirth is more likely to cause hemorrhoids to become symptomatic. With a cesarean section, the likelihood of hemorrhoids depends on how long the woman is in labor and how much pushing she does prior to the decision to perform surgery.

Home Treatment for Hemorrhoids in Los Angeles After Childbirth

If you notice pain during bowel movements and feel swelling, you might have hemorrhoids, which are stretched and swollen veins in the anus or lower rectum. To ease any discomfort associated with hemorrhoids postpartum, soak in a warm tub and apply chilled witch hazel pads to the affected area. Your health care provider might recommend a topical hemorrhoid medication as well.

If you find yourself avoiding bowel movements out of fear you will aggravate the pain of hemorrhoids, or an episiotomy wound, take steps to keep your stools soft and regular. Eat foods high in fiber including fruits, vegetables and whole grains, and drink plenty of water. It’s also helpful to remain as physically active as possible. Ask your health care provider about a stool softener or fiber laxative, if needed.

Surgical Treatment for Hemorrhoids in Los Angeles After Childbirth

However, if you are a woman dealing with more severe hemorrhoids, treatments ranging from minimally invasive techniques to more extensive surgery are available. You may want to consult with one of our colorectal surgeons to determine if you are a candidate for these procedures postpartum. Your treatment options will depend upon how far along you are with your postpartum recovery.

The good thing is that minimally invasive hemorrhoid procedures can treat hemorrhoids without cutting or stapling to postpartum women. These techniques also have a shorter recovery time and often the patient requires less pain medication.

One method of treatment is rubber band ligation, in which a rubber band is placed around the base of the hemorrhoid. The band cuts off blood circulation and, as a result, the hemorrhoid withers away within days. Another method is sclerotherapy, injection of a chemical solution around the blood vessel to shrink it. A third technique relies on infrared coagulation to destroy the hemorrhoid by burning. Finally, a surgical procedure known as hemorrhoidectomy is occasionally recommended for extensive or severe hemorrhoids to remove them completely. All of these are secondary options for persistent or severe cases that do not respond to conservative methods.

Contact Our Hemorrhoid Specialists in Los Angeles Today!

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids after pregnancy, and conservative treatments are unsuccessful in relieving your discomfort, schedule an appointment today with our hemorrhoid experts in Los Angeles. Call the La Peer Health Systems’ Hemorrhoid Center of Excellence at (888) 742-2032. We can provide you with more information regarding treatment for hemorrhoids in Los Angeles.

Next, read about the different types of hemorrhoids.