No one wants to talk about hemorrhoids, yet most of us will suffer from the condition during our lifetimes. In fact, about 75 percent of Americans will endure hemorrhoids at some point in their lives. Despite all of this, a lot of people will allow their embarrassment about hemorrhoids to prevent them from seeking the proper treatment.

At La Peer Health Systems’ Hemorrhoid Center of Excellence, our board-certified colorectal surgeons and gastroenterologists are well aware of how hemorrhoids can make a person feel, so we don’t want anyone to feel like they have to suffer in silence. If you think you might be experiencing hemorrhoids, please don’t hesitate to call our Los Angeles office at (888) 742-2032 to schedule a consultation.

Hemorrhoid Anatomy

Hemorrhoid Anatomy and ProgressionHemorrhoids are swollen veins that enlarge and develop in the lower rectum and anus. Typically, hemorrhoids are classified as either internal hemorrhoids (inside the rectum) or external hemorrhoids (beneath the skin surrounding the anus). Hemorrhoids develop as a result of pressure in the veins of the anus. The veins swell and become inflamed, causing any of the following symptoms:

  • Itching
  • Pain during bowel movements
  • Bright red blood on toilet paper or in the bowl
  • Hard, painful bumps around the anus

Although many cases of hemorrhoids will go away on their own without intervention, some hemorrhoids do require medical treatment to improve.

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Hemorrhoid Progression

While for most, hemorrhoids are just a painful annoyance; certain complications may occur if hemorrhoids progress without treatment. More severe hemorrhoid cases can result in blood loss and even anemia, leading to exhaustion and weakness. Another consequence of untreated hemorrhoids is a condition called strangulated hemorrhoid, which occurs when the blood supply to an internal hemorrhoid is interrupted. In this case, the hemorrhoid becomes “strangulated.” In extreme cases, people with strangulated hemorrhoids may experience severe pain and even gangrene.

Don’t let embarrassment prevent you from getting the help you need. If home hemorrhoid remedies aren’t working for you, feel free to make an appointment with the experienced GI specialists and colorectal surgeons at the Hemorrhoid Center of Excellence.

Hemorrhoid Anatomy and Progression Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can hemorrhoids go away without treatment?

A: For some people, hemorrhoids do simply go away on their own. However, others suffer for years without seeking help. If your hemorrhoids aren’t improving, you may need medical treatment. The two most common medical interventions are hemorrhoid banding and surgery.

Q: Should I be embarrassed about my hemorrhoids?

A: You absolutely should NOT be embarrassed about hemorrhoids. A common problem in adults and pregnant women, hemorrhoids will burden most of us at some point in our lives. Don’t be ashamed to seek help for this painful inconvenience.

Q: Are hemorrhoids normal during pregnancy?

A: During pregnancy, pressure in the abdomen may cause the veins of the lower rectum and anus to enlarge. Although common during pregnancy, hemorrhoids will disappear after childbirth in most cases.

Q: How do I know if my hemorrhoids are internal or external?

A: A doctor can examine you to determine if your hemorrhoids are internal or external. In general, internal hemorrhoids are less painful than the external variety. The most common symptoms of internal hemorrhoids are bright red blood on the tissue or in the toilet bowl.

Q: Do hemorrhoids cause cancer?

A: No evidence exists linking the presence of hemorrhoids with an increased risk of developing colorectal cancers. However, people frequently confuse the two. If you’re concerned about hemorrhoids or cancer, the best thing you can do is to see a colorectal surgeon.

Contact the Hemorrhoid Center of Excellence

Hemorrhoids can cause a great deal of pain and discomfort in people’s lives. If you’re suffering from chronic hemorrhoids, feel free to schedule an appointment with our expert doctors. Call (888) 742-2032 to speak with our Los Angeles hemorrhoid doctors.

Next, learn about Hemorrhoid Causes and Prevention.